The Best Time to Remove Trees in Central Virginia

Wondering about the best time to remove trees in Virginia? Find the best times for safe, cost-effective tree removal & key signs that a tree needs to come down.

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    If you’re thinking about removing a tree from your property in Central Virginia, know that timing can make a big difference. There are times of the year where tree removal is easier and more efficient, and times when it might be a bit more challenging.

    Let’s look at the best time to remove trees and how you can tell that they need to be removed in the first place.

    Key Takeaways

    • If you can plan ahead for tree removal, aim for late fall or winter. The trees are bare, making the removal process easier, and we’re less likely to spread any diseases to nearby trees.
    • Early spring is a good time to take down struggling, weak trees before the thunderstorm season hits Virginia.
    • Try to avoid summer removals unless you have trees that are damaged by storms and require immediate attention.
    • Keep an eye out for warning signs that a tree might be in trouble: a new lean, roots starting to show, or mushrooms growing at the base.

    Why Timing Matters for Tree Removal

    While we can (and do!) remove trees all year round here at Dyer’s Tree Service, some seasons definitely make the job easier than others. However, note that dangerous trees, whether they are decaying, leaning, or dying, should be removed immediately for safety reasons.

    For trees that don’t pose a threat, and are no longer needed in the landscape, there can be benefits for waiting for the right time of the year.

    For example, when it’s cold in the winter, the ground usually hardens when we have frost events. When that happens, we’re less likely to leave any impressions on your lawn or landscape, making it a better choice for sensitive yards.

    Contrast that with removals during the rainy season, when the ground is soft. Although we take every precaution to protect your yard, it’s easier for equipment and tree debris to leave marks and impressions in the landscape.

    Ideal Seasons for Removal

    The Benefits of Late Fall and Winter

    The easiest time of year to remove trees is in late fall and early winter, after the leaves have fallen from the trees. Since trees are dormant and leafless, our team can see and reach branches more easily. This can make the job faster and easier, with much less mess to clean up once the tree is down.

    Here are a few additional reasons that late fall and winter often work best:

    • There’s less chance of spreading tree diseases since everything’s dormant.
    • Your other plants won’t be disturbed as much.
    • The solid ground conditions help too – when the soil is frozen or dry, our equipment is less likely to leave marks on your yard.
    • Tree work typically slows down in the winter, making it much easier to schedule convenient service

    An arborist from Dyer’s Tree Service removing a tree next to a home in Orange, Virginia.

    Early Spring

    Early spring can be another good time for tree removal, especially if you’ve noticed signs that a tree isn’t doing well. With spring removals, we can take care of it before all the leaves come in, which helps to speed up the process.

    It’s also smart to remove any risky trees before Virginia’s spring storms arrive. According to the National Weather Service, Virginia experiences an average of 40 thunderstorm days per year, with the majority occurring between April and July.

    Here’s why early spring might be your best bet:

    • Removal gets rid of dangerous trees before storm season.
    • Branches and trunks are still easy to see before trees fully leaf out.
    • It’s the perfect time to deal with trees that were damaged during the winter.

    Summer Removals are Mostly for Storm Damaged Trees

    Summer isn’t usually ideal for tree removal, but sometimes you don’t have a choice – especially if a tree becomes dangerous or gets damaged in a storm.

    If a tree has too many broken branches or its structure has been compromised due to a heavy storm, it probably won’t recover. In these cases, it’s better to remove it before it causes problems on your property.

    Because we get so many storms that wreak havoc on trees across Virginia, there’s a lot of people that need tree work all at the same time. Summer is very busy for professional tree care companies like Dyers, so it often takes a bit longer to schedule your service.

    Things to Consider Before Removing a Tree in the Summer

    Before removing a tree, especially in the summer, there’s a few things you’ll want to take into consideration:

    • Does the tree shade your home? If so, removing it may expose your home to a lot more direct sunlight, which could heat up your home, resulting in higher utility bills. Definitely consider this for trees on the southern and western sides of your home.
    • Does a tree shade any outdoor areas, like a porch, patio, or sitting area? These could be much less enjoyable without the cooling shade of a large tree.
    • What’s growing nearby? Removing a mature shade tree can increase surrounding ground temperatures by up to 20 degrees Fahrenheit on sunny summer days, which can scorch certain plants that thrive in the shade.

    Of course, if a tree is threat to the safety of your property, removing it should be a priority. But for otherwise healthy, safe trees, always consider the residual effects of removal, as it can permanently impact your home and landscape.

    Remove Dangerous Trees Before Storm Season

    If you have old, weak, or dead trees on your property, it’s best to remove them before storm season hits. That might mean in spring before thunderstorm season, or in fall before winter storms arrive in Central Virginia.

    A weak tree is just waiting for a heavy wind to knock branches onto your roof or topple the entire tree, crushing anything in its path. Taking care of hazardous trees early is always cheaper than dealing with emergency removal and repairs after the fact.

    How to Tell When a Tree Needs to Come Down

    So now you understand the ideal seasons for tree removal. But how do you know if a tree on your property needs to come down? Here are some clear warning signs to look for:

    • Sudden Leaning or Cracks: If your tree starts leaning suddenly, has cracks in the trunk, or large split branches, that’s a red flag. A new lean often means there’s something wrong with the roots or soil – and that’s not something to ignore.
    • Roots or Soil Problems: Keep an eye on the ground around your tree. If you notice exposed roots or soil that’s lifting up, your tree might be losing its foundation. This often happens after heavy rain or flooding, and it can lead to bigger problems.
    • Signs of Decay: Mushrooms or fungi growing at the base of your tree, hollow spots in the trunk, or large dead sections in the branches usually mean there’s decay. Once decay sets in, the tree gets weaker and is more likely to fall.
    • Pest Infestations & Diseases: Here in Virginia, we see certain problems more than others. Our oak trees can get something called oak wilt, especially in warm weather. Pine trees sometimes have issues with bark beetles and root rot. Both of these problems can weaken your tree’s structure and might mean it needs to come down.

    If you notice any of these issues with your trees, it’s worth getting a professional opinion. Our arborists can take a look and let you know what’s going on with your trees. If a tree can’t be saved, we’re happy to provide a free quote for removal.

    A tree that fell onto the roof of a home in Central Virginia.

    Take Care of Problem Trees Sooner Rather than Later

    It’s much more cost effective to remove a problematic tree before it drops branches onto your home or falls over completely. Every time there’s a storm, we get calls from homeowners who have heavy branches or entire trees on their home. This can lead to expensive repairs, and in many cases, your home may not be inhabitable for months.

    The longer you wait to deal with dangerous trees, the more risk you take on. And the more difficult it can be to remove the tree.

    For us, removing a living, healthy tree is very simple and straightforward. But when a tree dies or starts to decay, it becomes unstable. These removals can be much more complex, as we need to handle it very carefully to avoid property damage or injury to our team. Depending on the condition of the tree, it can add to the cost of the project.

    If you want to save money, and keep your property safe at all times, trust the experts at Dyer’s to remove dangerous trees as soon as possible.

    Common Questions About Tree Removal Timing in Virginia

    Do I need a permit?

    It depends on where you live. Many cities and counties in our area require permits for removing larger trees, especially if they’re on public property or near the street. It’s worth checking with your local government to be sure.

    When can I plant a new tree in the same spot?

    Planting in the same spot can be tricky. You’ll want to wait until the old roots start breaking down to make room for your new tree’s root system. Most experts suggest waiting 1-2 years after removal. This gives your soil time to recover and helps make sure any leftover decay or disease won’t affect your new tree.

    What kind of tree should I plant instead?

    Native trees like red maple or Eastern red cedar usually do great in Virginia’s climate. They’re usually easier to care for and handle our local pests and weather patterns better. That said, there are plenty of non-native trees that work well here too. When we remove your tree, just ask us what we’d recommend for your specific yard conditions.

    Does tree removal include removing or grinding the stump?

    While stump grinding isn’t automatically included with tree removal, we definitely recommend it. It’s an extra service, but it helps you reclaim that space in your yard and gets rid of what could become an unsightly tripping hazard.

    Can I save my tree instead?

    Often, yes! There are lots of ways to help strengthen your trees and improve their health so you can enjoy them for years to come. Usually, this involves a mix of different services. If you have trees you’d like to keep, let us take a look. We can recommend the best approach, whether that’s structural pruning, treating for pests and diseases, or other care options.

    Ready to Plan Your Tree Removal?

    If you think you have a dangerous tree that could hurt someone or damage your home, don’t wait – have it inspected by our team and removed right away, no matter the time of year.

    For non-urgent removals, like clearing space for landscaping or removing an inconvenient tree, planning ahead for the right season can save time and money.

    If you’re in Central Virginia, Dyer’s Tree Service is here to help plan your project. Call us at 540-827-7245 to schedule a professional tree inspection and get a free quote. Let’s keep your property safe and beautiful!

    Dyer's arborist standing in front of a chipper truck.

    Travis Dyer

    Travis, a Virginia native, has a lifelong passion for trees. Growing up working alongside his father and uncle in the tree care industry, he gained invaluable experience and developed a deep respect for trees. Now, as a Certified Arborist himself, Travis continues to provide expert care services across Northern and Central Virginia.